Name: Ora
Location: Bradley
Comment: I needed someone to simply mow my lawn, not landscaping, or trimming, you know like the teenage kid down the street use to do. Everyone I called wanted $50+ and they charged me for edging and trimming regardless. A friend recommended these guys, and they simply charged me $35. What a relief, because I'm on a fixed income. I also wanted some weed & feed to put down, they charged me for a bag from Menards and only charged me $10 to apply it. They did a good job and Steve told me they do charge more for lawncare, but they have a simple mowing plan if you just want your grass cut and a little trimming. So, they were exactly what I was looking for.
Name: Hondu-Charles
Location: Kankakee County
Comment: I used these guys but didn't like that they started so damn early on the roof. I told Troy I like to sleep in on Sunday and not to start until 10am. However, his crew showed up at 6am and started working. When Troy showed up, he said the weather called for rain and they needed to get it tore off and covered before it rained. It did start raining at noon, but they could have started at 10am, it wasn't raining then, or they should have come back in a day or two. Anyway, the insurance adjuster was happy with the quality of work, and they paid for it. Next time I hire them, I'll just stay at my mother's house so not to be disturbed.
Name: Lori
Location: Manteno
Comment: I didn't have these guys do my roof, but my father did and said I should ask Troy to come over and look at the workmanship before I paid the other contractor the final payment. Ashton and Troy came over and I know everyone has an opinion, but they pointed out several things that were wrong. They only charged me $75 and it was the best money I spent. The other contractor was pissed and tried to argue with me, but in the end they fixed it. Not sure if they do inspections or it was just a favor because my dad knew Troy, but I'm glad they helped me out. I should have just called Troy to begin with, but he was backed up and I didn't want to wait and I thought I could save some money.
Name: Chip
Location: Kankakee County
Comment: I have a commercial building and these guys are one of the few companies that are licensed for commercial buildings. They fixed my issues, no problems and would use them again. Hope this helps.
Name: Doug
Location: Bradley
Comment: When raindrops conspired against my roof, I turned to Virginia Roofing and Construction Co. Their ex-military precision pinpointed the leak’s origin. Swiftly, they sealed the breach, leaving my home dry and secure. The veteran discount was a nod to shared service. Trust them—your roof deserves it. I called others and they wanted to do a costly replacement. Ashton and Stever inspected it and said they could repair it for a lot less and I'd probably be good for another 10 years before I needed to have it replaced. This saved me a lot and when it's time to replace it, I'm calling these guys.
Name: Ben 'Benny'
Location: Kankakee
Comment: If you don't want to get screwed on your roof, then I'd use these guys. My insurance adjuster said it was one of the best if not the best work he's seen. Thanks, guys, for all that you did, and God bless.
Name: Lard
Location: Kankakee
Comment: Used these guys a few times, never had any problems. They're probably one of the best in the area. They're often busy, so sometimes they have to schedule things, but I've never had any problems. If it's an emergency, they'll get right here like when my water heater stopped working.
Name: Mark & Cindy
Location: Kankakee
Comment: We wanted a deck out back and just didn't have time to do it. I called and spoke with Troy and got a price. It was reasonable and we hired them. No issues, I just wish I had made it a little bigger.
Name: Robin
Location: Kankakee County
Comment: Beware, I have the same house as my sister, and she lives about a 1/4 from me. Both houses were built the same year, same construction company back in 90's. Our roofs were both needing to be replaced. I went with these guys because I didn't like the others. My sister didn't go with Virginia's because she was got a 'proposal' for about $3,000 less from another company. I too had a 'proposal' for the lesser amount; however, I liked these guys better. When it was all done, my sister spent $500 more than me because that company charged for extras they claim weren't in the 'proposal'. In other words, I guess there's lots of company's giving 'lower estimates' and then charging more than what they said like my sister discovered. Troy, from Virginia's, told me he's heard of a lot of guys doing that. He said, cheap isn't always better; I'm happy with what these guys did, and I like the looks of my roof. My sister has also had several shingles blow off to deal with.
Name: Tom
Location: Bradley
Comment: What I liked was they wouldn't just ******(redacted) rig it like I asked them to. Troy flat out told me that they don't do that type of work. He said there's a lot of guys out there that will take your money, but they're not going to be around or warrant it etc. I was just trying to save money is all. However, as cost keep going up, I'm sure it won't be any cheaper next year. I was surprised by the number of roofs Troy told me he walks away from because they don't do half-a** (redacted) work. I know one in particular they walked away from, and I see they have *** Roofing (redacted) doing it. It just makes you wonder is all. If I'm going to pay someone then I want the best, if you have cancer wouldn't you want the best surgeon? and not someone that is cheap and just takes your money? Get the best and have it done right is all I can say, and these guys did just that. Thanks guys, oh and PS> I'm a Packers Fan and we still got your number there 'Steve dah Bears' fan worker.
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